Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Tribute to Tyrannosaurus rex Osborn


Tyrannosaurus rex Osborn, dug up from the rocks of Hell Creek Formation, Mccone County, Montana and now installed in the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History (except at night when he sneaks out):

(Oops, sorry, that's when he was on loan to Newt Gingrich's congressional office.)

The Great Tyrannosaurus: A Fossiliferous Fable

The Great Tyrannosaurus. . .
In habitude was not
What one would call decorous—
He ate an awful lot.
. . .
This earth can never nourish
An appetite like his;
So, if you hope to flourish,
Don't gobble all there is!

(The rest of the poem, with a link to its
source and the picture below,
can be found on this blogger's site.)

Like most museum curators, and just for laughs, the brass at City Hall often dredge up fossilized relics from other governmental digs and install them in various office cubicles on permanent pedestals. And it is impossible to ever get rid of this detritus from the epochs - saurus through Homo sapiens neanderthalensis - unless the earth again swallows them for another epoch or two.


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