Friday, May 21, 2010

Flying Her True Colors (or, The Dominant Is Unmasked)

I'm dang near speechless!

I picked up a copy of the police report on the Disturbing The Peace complaint filed against Lynda Allen, et al, on April 28, 2010. (See California Penal Code, Section 415 (2).) The officer did a masterful job of writing the report. It is factual, but not at all dry. His written observations captured the essence of the dominant known as Lynda - her belligerent attitudes; her egocentric and antisocial behaviors; and her abrupt, abrasive communication style.

As much as I truly wish to publicly share the three-paragraph narrative with my faithful followers, I must exercise patience until the District Attorney's office has had a chance to review the report and the other evidence on which this criminal complaint is based. What I CAN do is remind you of these posts leading up to the complaint:

 new radio ADDS to noise nuisance,
 the magic rock,
 Christmas present,
 her big thingy,
 6:00 a.m. Super Bowl weekend (here and here),
 Valentine's weekend,
 demand letter,
 magic rock reprise,
 rejected settlement,
 smoke gets in your eyes,
 audience of one Easter Sunday,
 just for the hell of it, and
 pimples ready for popping.

But... to say what she said to the police officer, and the galling tones she used, and her abrupt, defiant termination of the brief visit - all this verified what I've known regarding this woman from our earliest dealings. Her mask has slipped and exposed her to authorities for what she truly is... a spoiled and vindictive child. She has lost her credibility at Manteca City Hall, although some former protectors, still gulled by her schmooze, may yet try to shield her from prosecution.

With her "hobby" business now folded, she has retreated to Plan B, which appears to be only clueless, useless lurching about her graveled, business yard, half-acre compound. I certainly hope she has considered Plans C, D, and E  (capitulate, de-louse, and escape)...

... and take her flying colors with her.


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